[game] [review exchange] Not Floppy Bird

I reviewed 5* and gg+ with name “Peter Verther”. Would you please help me review and do the same with below game?
Thank you very much,

Done. My review: “Nice game. Very addictive.”

Done. My review: “Nice game. Very good idea.”

Done. My review: “Nice game. Very funny.”

I reviewed 5* and gg+ with name “Sarah Encontrado”.

Please Review:


Done. My review: “Very good game. Very nice graphics.”

Reviewed, rated 5, g+'d (as Maciek Lechowski)
Please do the same: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pigletlogic.spaceoid.android

Done, my review: “Good game. Very interesting and original game.”

Done as Luna Wang.

Plz do the same: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tdgc.slotmachinemaster

Thank you so much


Hello i just made review about your app. 5 stars and G+.
Name: Ve Geta. Comment: “Great app nice gameplay”
Here is my app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=biz.bsapps.camprank
Please rate it.

I reviewed 5* and gg+ with name “Yves Beauvile”. Would you please help me review and do the same with below game?
Thank you very much,

Done. My review: “Nice slot machine game.”

Done. My review: “Original and scary app :)”

Done. My review: “Very good game. Very nice graphics.”

Hi there I just rated and reviewed you game as Dave Price. Something a bit different.

Very polished and well made game, nice work…

Please return the favour, thanks!
