[Free] [Review Exchange] StrikeQuiz

Done :slight_smile: can You please rate my app too : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.KAB.riddle_game2

Done under the name Tony Mac.

Done under the name Tony McDermott

Done under the name Tony McDermott

Done under the name Tony Mac

Done under the name Tony McDermott

Done under the name Tony Mac

Just did as ‘Ivan Tkachuk’. Wont delete it immediatelly. Please do the same for me!


Rated, reviewed and G+ from the account “Swagata Acharyya”. Could you please do the same with my game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.garagedevs.fruityloop


Done under the name Tony Mac

Done under the name Tony Mac

Downloaded and testing

Downloaded and rated!!

private message sent.

waiting for your vote.

I downloaded your app, rated, commented, pressed g+ and launched it on my phone as Juvas Cheev.
Will keep it for 15 days.
Please do the same!


Done under the name Tony Mac