[Free] [review exchange] Lady Pill Reminder

Hi benbasha…I have just downloaded and reviewed your app. My display name is Jerry White. Can you please return the favor on for mine?
Maybe click an ad if you’re feeling generous :slight_smile:

I’ve rated 5 and g+ it as Verdy Rizaldi
Please do the same to my game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.kmvrt.SharksBad.android

I’ve rated also 5 Stars and g+ it as Lukas.
Please do the same to my App: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.androidupgrader.alkometerlivelite


Done with name haitam baid
i used the two words you gived us
please do the same and use both " beautiful kids " " beautiful childs "

Hi benbasha,

I have downloaded your app, gave it 5 stars and shared it on G+. [as Chris E]

Could you do the same in return for my game? [could you also use any of these keywords in your review? candy, blast, mania, delicious]


Thank you,

I reviewed your app with 5 stars Pls could you do the same with my game if you want we have also a facebook page https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.MarveMakersTech.HatCatcher

done for everyone! thank you!

please more :slight_smile:

use the words “lady pill reminder” “pill reminder”