February promotion - $2,000 for 20,000 installs, $100 for first 100,000 impressions

You are right, this promotion is either for new developers that want to add us, or medium-large app developers looking to increase their revenue. Last month promotion was targeting pretty much everyone.
I appriciate your thoughts. Maybe next month we’ll think of a new promotion that fits more developers. We’d like to mix it up. Not all promotions were created equally :slight_smile:

I do think it’s worth a try. Ping me in private if you need more details. Or ask around if we give good service and eCPM.

But… what you wrote is interesting. Reading through the forum, it does seem that some networks have dropped in their eCPM, and I wonder why. If anyone has the answer, I’d like to know (mainly to see if it can effect appnext as well. So far it hasn’t).

Hi Metinogtem,

Of course you can see the number of installs (=download) in your dahsboard! If you can’t see the installs, what is the dashboard good for?
I’ll talk to you in private.

100.000 impressions 100$ bonus is for for people who didnt get any bonus from impressions . I got January impression bonus so i can’t get it too (from private message) :frowning: