Extreme Defender [with Review Exchange]

Sorry for the delay guys. I rated, g+ and reviewed your apps with name: e Quality. I hope I didn’t forget anyone. Thanks

Please no more review exchange for now!

Done Under name " PRACHI SALUJA " , with G+ 5 * and good comments. DO same with my app : http://goo.gl/NYCwcu

I have rated, reviewed and G+ your application under name “Shikher pandey”. I have written a detailed review and I will keep your app installed for 1 month.
Please review my app. If you can, use “music player” in review. . Please do not copy paste my description in the review. Please keep my app installed for one month. The link to my application is



Done with 5stars and G+ by Gtech , please do the same : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=www.devgame.quickblast

Kind regards

I Rate 5 star / G+ / install by name Osama camyou hu hi… if you see ,pl return me https://goo.gl/hUc4Ud