Exit Ad is not allowed in Google Play Store !!

Almost all of my apps has multiple(3, 4) activities and when user tap on back button, app navigates to previous activity. So I show them interstitial when they go back to main screen etc. I do not show interstitial ads when user is exiting from the last(main) activity.

How strict is Admob on this though? Have you heard of anyone being banned or getting apps suspended for showing on back key pressed? I use admob in almost all of my apps and games, and have only had trouble once. And it was because one game was getting insane CTR and ECPM. I think it was because kids were clicking the ads on purpose or something. They suspended the app, I updated it and tried to explain in the appeal and they reinstated it. So I don’t think you will really have trouble with admob on your implementation unless you have some red flags like high CTR or low Click-to-conversion ratio. I don’t think they check how the ads are implemented in apps too often unless their bot tells them something is wrong.

Of course (at least in my knowledge) you can show Ads when back pressing to another activity inside your App.
Even in the answer you quoted he specified to exit the app

Also, if you’re using Admob, do not trigger an interstitial when the user presses the “back” button to exit to app. Admob are banning for doing that now…

So you still using AdMob interstitials when exiting the App without problems since many months?

Red flags are quite easy for them… But it’s all around their policies. We don’t know what techniques they are using, but I’m sure they got experience on that…

In my opinion, it’s better to comply with the rules.

May be I am wrong but I think exit ads are disallowed not abandoned…As far as you are not getting high CTR you are good to use exit ads…

Most of my new apps I’m showing my own house ad / cross promotion club solution (non-admob house ads). But I still have exit ads in a few old apps, no problems so far. I do it the right way though, only close the app after the ad is shown, and preload ads, if one is not preloaded just close the app without showing an ad.

Same here. I am doing that for last 2 years and make sure that it should appear before the app is quitted and home page is shown. Thats ok i think.

Yes. agrees with you totally.
I will retain my exit ads as long as CTR is below 2-3%

Sorry to interrupt.
I am using it for last 2 years in all my apps without any warning.

A bunch of my apps got banned with Admob for overriding back button to show and interstitial before leaving the app. (The app would only close after the interstitial had been closed).
My account manager informed me it was against policy to override the back button to show Admob ads.
I removed that function from the apps, appealed them and they all got re-instated.
My acc manager did say they are tightening their grip on policy now, so let it be a warning to everyone!

When did he tell that?

2 weeks ago