End of Spammers has began?

Just unsubscribed from this thread. Its becoming like junk food which doesn’t provide any nutrition.

Billyh’s posts might be usually terrible, but your reaction isn’t really any better. Best thing to do is simply not give him any attention until he cuts down on the inane flame posts.

if someone doesn’t call him out people might think this junk is real.

It should be pretty obvious to anyone reading this thread that he’s just spouting garbage, given that he doesn’t back up his statements with any sources, and excuses himself with “too many spammers here” when asked to.

In any case, if you have to call him out, do so within the context of the thread, and not with an ad hominem attack. :slight_smile:

Do you understand what being ironic is? Guess you missed it, like the context of his posting history you seem to be missing.

Attack me all you like, its still best to call him out.

BTW he doesn’t stop.

I agree with hubris. This guy is just plane intruder that wants to make fun of hardworking developers.
Just wait till he sees rise in paid apps and drop in free after this Google change then he will come after us saying we are cheap and we are converting every free app to paid app. Mark my saying sometimes from now

Anyways, reading his posts and people counterpost is entertaining.

Funny spammers who are really in the league of thieves are calling themselves hard working developers.

Funny how some people have nothing better to do but troll all day long.

In the league of thieves? Seriously where the fuck is your head. You are not from this planet.