Choose correct ad network

I think the thread starter is talking about install on appnext, but others misunderstood as install on Google Play.

From my experience, integrate interstitial during natural break had the best earning, then on app launch, lastly on exit. Just for your reference.

Thank you for sharing. I will find the way to integrate it better, remove the one on exit, and I will probably come back to appnext where I got the best result so far.

i use appnext before
good ecpm at start then fewer and fewer
didnt try mobile core
think about it now

I tried splash screen from appflood, but first time opening app, redirect me automatically to some porn site with popup saying that I may have some virus in my device… So fast detecting shit in my device, amazing :wink: (jk). So I decided not to use it even tho later I got normal ads.

Right now I’m with appnext(interstitial-onExit) and mobilecore(stickeez, offerwall-onOpen). So far I’m getting like $0.5 every 1k impression only with the offerwall (CTR 36.19%).

I need to wait few more days so everyone will get this last version. I will update this with some results.

By the way, great support from appnext @jonathan and Vardit, thank you.

Change was for much better.

That combination of appnext and mobilecore gave good results. For example, mobilecore on open wall offer had 49,017 impressions, 16,984 clicks (CTR 34.65%) and $0.63 eCPM = $30+.
Surprisingly for me, I had no complaints about this on open ad, so don’t be afraid to try it.

Just try Strart App it cpm is good lately the ad network pay per revenue and also pay 15 usd per 1000 download here the link is you want try it : StartApp - Developer Register

Hey A1ka1inE, Are you still using Appbrains offerwall?

Nope, I dropped AppBrain many months ago. They’re interstitials used to be good, but the eCPM went to crap last year and I never looked back.
Of course, your mileage may vary.

What about Nativex? Had someone some experience with them ?

I heard good things about NativeX, but haven’t acutally heard about anyone using them. If anyone did, I’d be happy to hear. They seem like a very solid company, but as for creating revenue - who knows.

Sure we all would like to hear about that.
For now I have no problems with mobilecore, revenue is really high, at least for me, even more knowing that my main traffic is not from US.

I’m trying also Widdit, anyone had any problem with them or their SDK and Google?

You can try, eCPM 2-4$, fillrate 99%

Just a reminder that Airpush’s bundle 2 SDK is great for 3rd party markets, and pays a flat rate of up to $0.05 per new user install and EULA opt in world wide. PM me if you want to give it a try.

Airpush Nick

Don’t use the startapp they are scam

Next thing that will get off you from Airpush - they changed their fee for payment from 3$ to 7.5$ … Embarassing

I was suggested to use Adcash. Im currentyl using it and so far it works for me well. Actually even better than I expected.

Did you notice the thread is one year old? Stop spamming your product.

I was actually a bit amazed that its old. Wasn´t trying to spam or nothing. Just wanted to get information. Maybe others have some suggestions for me to try. Guess I was in the right place at wrong time.