Before Publishing to App Market

fully agree with you abouts views visibility.
have gone through recently while developing the app.

well i have give up the idea about integrating ad networks separately.

will go with admob mediation only.
choosed mobfox,admob,inmobi,appflood,mm,appbrain networks.

may be i will manually switch them OFF/ON based on the reqion timing or good reaults.

by the way’ does “appbrain” not have any APP ID? i configured it vai admob and it only asked a class name. thats it. wondering how it will recognise app without id.

AppBrain uses package name of your app. But don’t forget to add the app on AppBrain - otherwise it will be displaying AppBrain ads but you want get a dime.

Yes, while “elegant”, the problem with AppBrain’s approach is that the developer has to go out on a limb and publish first - then get approved for ads - and then begin to see revenue in your account.

You might have to contact the appbrain support (usually will get reply from one of the co-founders) to resolve if you have issues.