Android Studio - Will It Screw Us?

I personally prefer using Eclipse over Android Studio. I’m not a big fan of all the tools introduced in Android Studio, and I don’t like my projects being converted when I open them with Android Studio.

I’ve been using both Eclipse and Android Studio for a couple of reskins to test out both of these IDEs for Android Development and found Eclipse to be a better choice for me personally, especially when working with App reskins.

Based on my experience, I now use Eclipse for reskins and Android Studio for “from scratch” development.

I like android studio much much better.
(i actually noticed doing more java ,because its not annoying like it was before )
I guess its my luck , as other users seems to like eclipse. But for me it was always ,lagy ,crashed alotf , used ridiculous amounts of resources(like 16gb of ram :D) , and all workflow was kinda clumsy .
I tried different combinations in past ,but same result always .
So android studio is saving for me .
Althought gradle is little bit annoying ,but after some time it is fine.

Why don’t you use Intellij Idea? It’s by far the most powerful IDE. Eclipse is totally crap compared to IntelliJ. And the community edition is free.

I tryed it once. As i heard it is good for as3 .But i found out as3 support was paid option .So uninstalled out of anger :smiley:

Wait…are people saying Google will force us to develop with Android Studio in the future? I’ve recently upgraded Eclipse to Luna and it does a great job, but I do actually fancy trying AS to see what it’s like. As long as it doesn’t screw up my projects (but SVN is my friend).

I just don’t like the idea of being forced to use tool x to get a job done. Google’s whole app store system makes me very nervous about the 100s of hours I’ve invested in it, and although I keep everything squeaky clean I still fear the door slammed in my face and locked for good.

I don’t think google will force everyone using Android Studio.

For now it seems that they still support ADT, so nothing to worry about, we can continue to use Eclipse. And since you can always developer for Android in Notepad there will always be a way to continue using Eclipse, even if ADT was to disapear (which I doubt at this point it will).

I am not a big fan of Android Studio. I have it installed on my machine but it seems like it takes too much time to just set it up. And why does it have to contact the servers
every time I create a new project with the same set of libs.

I want a tool that just does the job and so far eclipse is treating me quite well. No slowness , no clunkiness. It is responsive and serves my purpose.