Airpush smartwall : Violation of the Ad Policy, app banned

@Phil.Airpush : you don’t answer mail, what is your solution?

The funny part is every now and then Phil would come and ask you to PM him your Airpush account ID and later there will no action taken.

Developers have barking like dogs on this issue since september and we are already half way in october. Nothing has happened. They dont care about devs much now a days


Apologies for delayed reply. We are looking into the issue and trying to find a solution so this does not reoccur. For now we suggest to disable the landing page to eliminate any chance of an ad redirecting user to Playstore without any user action. I will be in touch via email.


The problem occur whith every ad format…

What I’ve done (seems to work…):
I’ve a map containing all activity of my app :

public static Map<Activity, Boolean> activityRunning = new HashMap<Activity, Boolean>();

On each Activity :

public void onCreate(final Activity activity) {
    activityRunning.put(activity, true);
public void onStop() {
    activityRunning.put(activity, false);
public void onStart() {
    activityRunning.put(activity, true);
public void onPause() {
    activityRunning.put(activity, false);
public void onResume() {
    activityRunning.put(activity, true);

I load airpush ad in cache and when ad is cached I do

public void onAdCached(AdType arg0) {
Log.d(TAG, TAG + " airpushSmartWall onAdCached " + arg0);
boolean myAppRunning = isMyAppRunning();
Log.d(TAG, TAG + " airpushSmartWall isMyAppRunning " + myAppRunning);
if (myAppRunning) {
airpushSmartWall.showCachedAd(activity, AdType.smartwall);
} else {
Log.e(TAG, TAG + " airpushSmartWall trying to display ad outside the app");

Using this function :

public static boolean isMyAppRunning() {
for (Entry<Activity, Boolean> entry : activityRunning.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getValue()) {
Log.d(TAG, TAG + " Activity running " + entry.getKey());
return true;
Log.d(TAG, TAG + " No activity running ");
return false;

If you think it doesn’t work, let me know. Else, use it :wink:

Dear Phil,
i have followed this THREAD
I have disabled the smartwall on backpress and
i have followed your suggest to disable the landing page to eliminate any chance of an ad redirecting user to Playstore without any user action.
Now i’d want know if you have solution a this problem and i’d like be informed of news.