Admob Not Updating Stats

Exactly the same here. Yesterday the admob stats stopped updating. And I have recently released an app (still small user base) which obviously receives multiple clicks from a user/account in the US, ~20 clicks a day.

I’m hoping that this is just coincidence and admob will be working soon again. 'Cause I don’t think that I am responsible to prevent crazy users or bots to click repeatedly on my banners, am I? Should be admobs responsibility in my opinion.

That’s because you can trust google way more than airpush. Almost everytime when admob freezed, the stats of the days before were corrected. No one is sure about admob this time

I hope so, but I’m still going to come up with a way to prevent it. Just have to be careful to do it in a way that doesn’t violate Admob’s terms of use.

My last updated on 2013-06-08 00:00:00 GMT!

I have one app with AppBucks and stats seems to be frozen too since yesterday! What the hell is going on with those ad networks??

How do you know about same click from one user? I don’t see any report from Admob.

I don’t know for sure that it’s a single user, I’m just applying similar reasoning as sraxus (a few posts earlier). Compared to other apps I’m offering the concerned app has a suspiciously high CTR with many clicks from the same geolocation (US).

EDIT: Ay, the stats are working again!

Its Back Now !..

Even yesterday’s stats is updated…:smiley:

Yep, it’s working for me too!

Looks like I got click spammed again yesterday. :mad: I hope the spammer will update when I publish the update with my anti-click spam code.

Yep all good here.

Everything is perfect :slight_smile: !

Everything good now!

Stats are back but I had a drop of ~60% in impressions…:mad:

Me too, I had a big drop in impressions. But I cannot be sure that it is Google’s fault, let’s see today.

Well I just notice my latest update from 2 days ago had a bug preventing the app to open, damn!
Let’s see it that’s the problem for the missing impressions…
Now I’m mad at myself for not noticing this earlier.

The stats are back, but I lost my revenue for the last 3 days. I see 60-70% off from my revenue which was finalized for 3 last days… Damnn. The impressions are fine so far. And also for some reason the eCPM has changed for that last 3 days… shit

Hello, guys.

I have an iOS app in the Store with AdMob integrated into it. Somebody else developed it for me.
By now the app is 2 months available for download and given that I didn’t market it, it has 100 downloads. I see that in app statistic services like App Annie and App figures.

I plan to have some more after I do ASO right.

Here is the catchy part. I earned like less the one pound. What can I do about it?