Admob Mediation?

Hey guys!

Thought you might want someone from Apppodeal around to answer a few questions :slight_smile:

The Difference:

Mainly dynamically increasing the minimum price you receive, per ad request, in real time. This even happens for AdMob ads INSIDE Appodeal (which is totally a thing)

Yes, you can “choose” your network, but you don’t have to, because all ads are filled in real time competition. Instead, you can use much more granular analytics to alter your ad strategy, without SDK updates.

To correct Rozek, we’re not taking a flat percentage off your revenue. It’s way to complex for me to properly articulate here, but in short, we earn revenue when our tech produces MORE than you’d be earning outside of Appodeal mediation. A man’s gotta eat, amiright?

Hope that helps!

When you say “MORE than you’d be earning outside of Appodeal mediation”, does this mean… more than what I would be making if I did my own mediation? Or do you guys do magic to get a higher ecpm than I could get on my own (excluding the mediation).

Bit of both. Appodeal will make you more than your own mediation, as well as more than other mediation companies, exclusively due to how our tech behaves (increasing minimum prices you receive dynamically for each ad request). Make sense?

yes, makes sense. thanks

Happy I could help!

Sorry, I never meant to say you took a flat percentage off… I don’t think I did, but hope i didn’t elude to that.

All good man, I may have misread :slight_smile: FGL is a rad product too and hope it’s going well for you!

Disclaimer - I am the Head of Sales for Appodeal.

It’s exciting to hear that Appodeal is being talked about! Whether you use Appodeal or not, I strongly suggest that you look into the technology of the partner you decide to move forward with and make sure they are transparent with what happens with your inventory.

At Appodeal, we’ve focused all of our effort on developing a comprehensive publisher-centric monetization platform. A lot of words, I know.

The biggest difference between Appodeal and other mediation partners is the way in which your inventory and the marketplace of demand is optimized. We use a programmatic approach to optimizing the entire marketplace of demand for every ad impression vs. the much less efficient method of setting a waterfall, analyzing performance, and readjusting.

If interested, please reach out to [email protected] and we would be happy to provide an objective overview of the marketplace.

Hopefully this didn’t come off as a shameless plug.