Admob - July worst month?

Very very bad from 15 of july.

Drop 40% with me. Lowest income last 2 years. :frowning:

Agree with all of you. This sunday i had 540 clicks(banner+full) and it gave me only $32.

Very less than last sunday.

What the hell i am doing in midnight?
Learning to lazy load the thumnail bitmaps in listview from a specific phone directory containing images since morning. Its saying that too much memory occupied and coming out of listview. Give me some pointer please. My wife stopped talking to me since evening as i am sitting on the same stupid chair without responding much.

July,2014 has been the worst month this year. about 30% drop over June eCPM and 60% drop since 13-14 Christmas season.

I did jump back to android just last August so I can’t say how bad July was last year.

Anyhow, I spoke to some AdMob reps, they assured me that video ads are coming into interstitial inventory middle of August, which should give a slight eCPM a boost.

I upgraded to the new AdMob last week, and my revenue has dropped by at least 50%.

Its coincidence for you. New admob was doing good earlier. Now its giving less revenue for all.

Yep, July was the worst month for me too.
And yesterday i got the lowest revenue since getting started with AdMob.

Yes yesterday was absolutely miserable! WTF AdMob

Worst month of the 2014, yes.

If its any consolation, the last few weeks on MMedia for me are about 50% to 65% off usual amounts too.

Same here,
around 35% drop.
and I have seen a drop after 24th and again significant drop after 28th.
Other networks i use, mMedia,inMobi, Amazon are also going down
so really have no clue about what to do

Same here.
Despite good downloads/impressions/clicks, revenue is going down. RPM is pathetic.

Haven’t updated to new admob and my income has been a lot less, like 30% drop. Haven’t updated my apps in 8 months, so I don’t understand why the change.
Started July 25th.

Today the drop will be 50%. This is odd, I haven’t updated the apps in 8 months, suddenly they are all changing.