2 apps suspended because of startapp ads!!!!!!

i am still waiting to hear back on my account termination. But it is looking more and more like it was your exit ads. The only other ad system i had in use was simple admob banners at the top of the apps in question. The other apps i had were all using in app only ads running basic banner ads Nothing else.

You may want to test the crap out of the exit ads because you can leave an app and shut off the phone then see the ad when you open the phone next. Even if it is hours later as long as there hasn’t been a power interruption. I was able to reproduce this a few times this weekend with my apps using your exit ads. BTW i am a test engineer for software at my day job. I know what i am doing when testing this out.

Also you have to know just because an ad is generating a lot of revenue and impressions DOES NOT MAKE IT COMPLIANT. So please do not say the home button exit ad is compliant… Because i can show you it isn’t and your test people can show you also.


I’m assuming you are in touch with our support team? Please let me know the status of this, and I can double check where this stands. I will need your devID though, so please email or PM it to me.

About the Exit ad showing up after the device is shut off and re-opened, I have yet to encounter this. If you can share how to reproduce this, we will instantly take a look and see if there’s a way to resolve this.

As for your last point - with no communication from Google on what is OK, and with their habit of putting a vague policy out there, we do our best to make sure our units are compliant to what we comprehend. The only account to giving this an valid stamp, is the fact that thousands of apps and tens of millions of impressions are running this ad daily, with no widespread bans. There is an occasional case, but we have yet to determine the cause.

And again, as I always say, use your own discretion and only integrate ads that you feel good and safe about.

The Exit ad (back and home) are optional, and an offered as a way to increase traffic and revenue.


Sorry to hear about your account, i have a question please, did you use the Home button or the Back button for your Exit Ads?

i’m using hom button without any issues since they introduced it, your results may vary as always thou

message deleted

I feel scare :frowning: .

@startapp what can you say about these policy changes. Now your sdk that changes bookmarks clearly violates their new policies, please release a new sdk that is fully compliant so we won’t be forced to removed your sdk from our apps. I hope you can release an update soon since they only gave us 15 days to update or unpublish non-compliant apps from the store and it would be hard to update multiple apps with so little time if you don’t release a new sdk soon.

Just use the in-app SDK…

Ok, I wasn’t clear enough, what I meant was release an updated sdk that’s still PPD but google compliant. I know in-app sdk is compliant but earnings would be much less without the searchbox sdk which is PPD.

So I ask, is still possible to use the Search of startapp not it, for it is inapp advertising, right?