Still able to upload flappy bird clone to Playstore?

Is anyone still able to upload a clone of Flappy bird to Playstore? Will google reject the upload of such clone?

If you mention anything to do with Flappy Bird you’ll get the app banned. Using the word “flappy” by itself seems to be ok though.
There’s a ton of clones out there now though, so I doubt there’s much point any more.

That’s right. And I still can’t understand the author of original Flappy bird… So much potential lost… And for what? Just other devs get his money.

I’ve heard that the author of Flappy Bird gave recently an interview and he said that he might get the game back on the App Store very soon :slight_smile:

Regarding the reason of why he lost so much revenue by removing the games: he says that he was getting a lot of emails from parents who told him that their kids are spending too much time with his game and they don’t do their homework on-time)) Also after a lot of smashed phones maybe he decided that his karma > money))

i don’t know why he did it but i’m very thankful - my “flappy” clone is doing great:)

Can you share me the link to your app so that I can have a look at it? I also plan to do it. :slight_smile:

Isn’t it pretty obvious he stole the graphics from nintendo and that’s the reason he removed it ?

just browsed us top new free list on appannie. Every 5th app is a flappy bird clone. One guy didn’t use flappy bird in game title but registered dev. account name as “Flappy Saga Bird Game” :smiley: users and dev. all have gone crazy

Flappy Bird is a clone itself, the original game was a helicopter game.

Flappy Bird wasn’t a clone. If you call it a clone of Helicopter then most games are just clones.

Game mechanics are always being copied and re-used, but it doesn’t necessarily make them clones.