Disappointed with AppNext

Hi all,
Like many of you, I’ve recently started using AppNext.
Their support and willingness to help is great(Thanks Jonathan!), but I’m not pleased with the results.
One of my apps does an average of 2-2.5$ eCPM which is great, but there are days(like today) when it’s around 0.2$.
Other apps perform very poorly, with average of 0.2-0.4. In these apps I also use banners form Revmob / Admob and the banners perform much better.
Does anyone have better experience ? Perhaps you can share any tips, for instance maybe playing around with categories helped you ?
Thanks !

You should post your Impressions number(daily, monthly), CTR, CR. You have this data in your dashboard, it might give some valuable information.

Also, when exactly do you show Appnext interstitial? If your app is filled with ads then you can’t really expect a high eCPM.

I just show an add on launch and back to menu.
12.5K impressions, 2244 clicks, 45 installs, 18% CTR, 2% CR, 1$eCPM.
But that’s for all together. If you take out the one app which does well(eCPM of 2.44$), all the rest perform very poorly.


First of all, I appriciate any opinion, even the bad ones.

The fact that one of your apps hows good eCPM proves that the potential is there. So yes, if you put too much ads or show the same user too much of the same ad, your eCPM will drop. Also, as these numbers spread on a large number of apps, it’s statistically problematic to measure the success so soon. 1-3 installs can make a huge difference in some of your apps.

Having said that, we (appnext) need to figure out what working so well in one app that isn’t going that well in the others. Optimizing the location and the frequency is an ongoing mission. Hope it get’s better.

yes you may be showing the ad too frequently. If you want to show ad on app launch and back to menu, I suggest use admob inter for one and appnext for other. Same ad network may not be optimum.

AppNext… what is your ecpm for banner ads? With interstial on admob my ecpm is around 4.5$ but banners is very bad around 0.35$ ecpm? Please let me know…i get around 60,000 impressions per day with admob refresh rate of 120secs.

We don’t have banner ads for apps… yet. We are working to produce banners, with our own twist of course. Yuo will all hear about it when they are ready :slight_smile: