Tips for optimizing Admob revenue ?

Some questions:

  • Is the app category and app description in Admob related to the revenue?
  • Does it matter if I enter the correct Android Package URL or not (the field is optional)?
  • What refresh rate is best (30, 40 or 60 seconds)?
  • How to choose the best ad color?
  • Ad position: top vs bottom?

Any suggestions welcome!

Any suggestions :frowning:

I wish there was a formula to help developers out but it’s honestly tough to make recommendations without seeing the app and how people interact with it. You need to keep testing all of those parameters to make it work for you and your fans. I know it’s not the answer you’re looking for but, you’ll find success vary between developers and settings.

My formula, where there is people, there is money.
Traffic = revenue
Ad refreshing every 7 seconds or 1 minute doesn’t make a difference.
Faster refresh doesn’t encourage people to click ads in my experience.

Your revenue is based on the ads running. Not admob. It’s what’s the advertisers are willing to pay.

During the holidays, revenue is higher because more people are competing to sell products. They know people are in the shopping spirit.

Mmedia pays higher for me during the holidays.
Revenue goes up and down drastically but evens out.
Ad mob is more consistent threw out the year.

I just combined both for equal opportunity.

Also depends on what type of ads you need in your app. Find a ad company that will provide ads your traffic would like.

Great advice here - it depends dramatically on what advertisers are signed with what ad networks. There are networks focused around gaming, lifestyle, and other apps. Some have brand based advertisers. My network focuses on products - but given our limitless supply of product SKU’s we work to find the right match for your audience. In addition, your fans always have the option to just search exactly what they want too.