Post your interstitial CPM

well this is very similar to my other thread about notification CPM, seeing as how notification ads are now banned, interstials are my only other option (besides shitty banners) for revenue. would people mind posting their interstitial CPM and what company they are with?

i would start i off, but i have no apps with interstitial(for now).

Appbrain -> $0.70 eCPM (thinking trying new networks)

I tried MobileCore and didn´t gave more then $0.50 eCPM don´t understand how some people are achieving $2 eCPM with them

airpush smartwall 0.66$ for mostly asian users app and 1.6$ for mostly usa users app
mobilecore 2.5$, and in one game its 20$ (impressions equals 2/3 of total users)

Did i get it right?? One game you get $20 eCPM from mobilecore??? You using just their appwall or also using the icon ad which boost their eCPM?

yes you get it right! i use icons but even before using icons i was getting 18-19$ ecpm in that game
check it to know how i get this ecpm its called (4 pics 1 footballer)

Since its game you should try AppFlood i hear they perform really good on games :slight_smile:

maybe someday but for now im happy with mobilecore

Comparing eCPM between apps/developers is problematic - since eCPM will fall if you present interstitials more frequently.

Although if the same app has swapped one ad network for another and reports the results - THAT would be good data (at least for comparing between them in similar ad presentation situation).

A better number for GENERAL classification of the “quality” of interstitial ads (i.e. higher pay per click, higher attractiveness to users so it gives higher click-through) could be derived from comparing it to the admob banner ad revenue (if that banner ad is presented all the time - and admob banner ads are a bit of a “benchmark” I would suggest because of their general revenue stability and 100% fill rate) - as it compares “revenue potential”.

Or one could talk of interstitial revenue per DAU user - THAT also is a “revenue potential” figure.

But comparing eCPMs is problematic - just as with banner ads (you use higher refresh rate - you will get LOWER eCPM) even though the total revenue remains much the same - as that is related to the “airtime” that ads in general get. Even with banner ads - an estimate of revenue per DAU would be better indicator.

Hopefully future discussion can accomodate this variable.

Thats some damn good info.

for the mean time, if you post your CPM please also give details about when/how many interstitial are shown. i am only planning to use interstitial when the app is first started.

I would suggest posting a comparison of interstitial revenue vs. admob banner revenue (or total banner ad revenue if you are using multiple ad networks in the banner ad space).

This will give a sense of “revenue potential” vs. something most people know (admob banner revenue).

Although here also there will be variables - the will differ for different app/game types - but still gives a BETTER benchmark than just comparing eCPM (which by itself will mean nothing - as noted above it will vary depending on it’s presentation frequency - can get very high eCPM by showing ad so rarely that user says “what the hell is that - I better click”).

So true! Compare your revenue per DAU between networks not ecpm. If you do compare the same placement - do that ecpm for your ad requests (revenue out of ad requests, not imps) and always break it down to countries.

How to find out your DAU? Do you have to add Google Analytics SDK for Android v2 in your app, or do you have different ways to find out?

You could probably find that there - if you use AppBrain that gives your the DAU in a daily/hourly graph, along with new installs etc.

You basically have to call their AppBrain.init() call in your onCreate() from every Activity and that’s it (and include the AppBrain SDK in your libs/ and add to AndroidManifest.xml etc. as suggested by AppBrain docs).

Do I have to tell users that my app collects user’s activities for analysis?

No, not really much beyond what you already reveal with the permisssions that each SDK requires i.e. internet access etc.

It is not a user-specific info - so no real issue of privacy here since you only know aggregate info about your users.

Hi Steve,
Our network’s average for interstitials (leave the icon ads aside) is over $1.75
We work with many direct and exclusive advertisers, and work hard on the offers’ business logic.

Perhaps you used an older SDK version? We had issues that caused a decrease in eCPM for a specific SDK version, the current version that’s out will produce you a higher eCPM in a 99% probability…

All the best,

Im currently making around 2.40 eCPM from AdMob interstitial, but thats because I increased the frequency. Before doing this I was making around $5 eCPM, so I might be doing the same amount now (but annoying more the users). I might try another Interstitial to alternate with AdMob to get high eCPM on both as suggested earlier on this thread, any good suggestions? My audience is “good” (around 60% is from US/UK/Germany), and I dont want crappy banners if possible (sex-related, religion, or just badly designed banners).