Logo Quiz For Android - Would Be Nice To Get Some Opinions

Hi, i published this logo quiz recently, but since there hasn’t been many downloads yet i decided to do little “promotion” here. Also, someone reported that he can’t open the game again after closing it once. It would be really helpful to get some more info if someone is having similar issues. :slight_smile:

Playing the game is simple: try to guess all the logos (currently 31 levels), when answer is correct you get some coins which you can use to buy helpful hints.

Download link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.elevenmob.guessthelogo

I also made this “Animal Quiz”. The idea is same, just with animals instead of logos.
Download link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.elevenmob.guesstheanimal

Thank you.

rated and g+ both games as Michal V
do the sam here