Best Apps Store After GP

I want to publish my banned apps from playstore on some other which allows this and have many users.


I would also add slideME to the list.

Try multiple platforms - android,iOS,blackberry,windows,html etc) - very simple process and accepts all kinds of apps, what ever store you put your apps add the best ad network to your app like

Startapp is one of high paying ad networks that pays more or less higher than admob. It has a wide range of ads - splash ad, banner, interstitial, search ads, return ads etc…
It also has referral program in which you can get up to $10,000 when a new developer signs up.

My advice is combination of startapp & admob works better and gives higher payment that all other ad networks. It is best suited for all apps and games. Easy and Quick Integration.

  • Unity and corona plugins are available
  • Admob mediation also available in startapp
  • Live tracking of impressions and earnings

When your referral reaches 100k impressions you will get 25$, for 1M impressions - +$150, 10M impressions - +$1500, 25M impressions - +$2400, 50M impressions - +$5925

You can sign up using this link - StartApp - Developer Registration

Try social network and your own website , I have an app that makes 20.000 installs daily from the apk on my app with airpush Bundle 2 SDK

I didn’t understood you. You mean installs from your website ?

how do you get the 20,000 daily??

Well first you have to get a very specific name for your app so people can find it easily using Google , and then create your brand using social media like facebook , and also it helps when journalists and bloggers review your app.

be aware, that amazon and samsung will review your app before publishing. Not sure why you was kicked but you may spare the time to publish where it will not pass review :slight_smile:

not sure about slideme, they do review your entry, but I don’t know if they review the app - but I think they do because approval takes pretty long nowadays …

slideme is pretty strict too…unlike GP they will deny your app right away if it has any copy right infringment. Where as GP will allow it and will ban you down the road. Sucks looks like every market is being more strict. Not liek the good old days where you could upload any app and get decent installs/revenue

SlideME is actually very strict. You can make your own marketplace on Aptoide and promote it like that guy with social media.