[EXCLUSIVE OFFER ] 200 High Quality Android Reviews For $25

Hello Dear Customers

We are triying to collect a good database for reteurning customers, And for this reason we are making this OFFER for our new customers to test our service of android apps reviews.

We are offering hight quality android reviews for you apps and all reviews are human made, and will stay on play store for ever, and if only one review got removed, you will get your full refund in one minute.

Here is the gift Offer:

200 Android reviews for $25.

To profit from this offer please follow the following steps:

Our contact email is: [email protected]

1 - send us your app link
2 - tell us how many reviews you want per day
3 - provide us with your email to send you the invoice


And we start one minute after the payment

And every 24 hours we will send you a pdf of the analytics of the installs and reviews you got!

This offer is limited for the first 25 buyers.