Pinbox - the safest place for you private photo, files and other data

I did not sleep enough and spend all my free time for this app. It was hard work for one year, and now finally a complete this trial.
It is first release and feel free for suggestions.
Few words about the app: Pinbox reliably stores your personal photos, files, notes and passwords. All photos and files are securely protected with the latest encryption algorithms with PIN protection or fingerprint authentication

Thank you for attention !

Google Play Store

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Hey @zili,

My congratulations with app launching – I have valued your app and need to say it really has color appeal. Besides, I do care such kind of apps be developed in order to save person privacy and they do are useful for users.

Below my comments/recommendations regarding needed actions to improve your app promotion.

  1. what about reviews and installs which play critically important role for traffic boosting and people pay a lot of attention to feed backs and see how your often your app is installed. I recommend you to order installs and quality reviews from KeenMobi in order to improve the picture.

  2. You need to be searchable in app search result page in order your app be visible in search list and you catch a lot of organic users.

So you have a great app and you need to take more actions in its promotion in order to cover more audience.

ASO toolsgo through the present ranking position and divided into on keyword research, keyword optimization, top charts ranking and competitive research.