[FREE] Very different video player android app

Link: HD Video Player

We recently launched a very different video player app for android. It brings features like autoplay, leanback and suggestions to your personal video gallery. Please try it out and give feedback on how to improve it and promote the app. We currently support only the standard formats supported by android but are working to support all formats.

7 out of top 10 video players on android are horrible reskins of VLC and are exactly the same. Does anyone have any good strategies to get downloads to give this app a fair shot. I’d really like a cheap installs option to boost rankings. If you would like a 5 star rating / review exchange, please install the app, keep it for 7 days and post your link for me to review.

Hi, Beside promote your app on forums and exchange 4/5 star ratings and reviews, there are some others methods of app promotions. Hope the following methods are useful to you.

Email marketing
Email marketing is a direct way to approach your potential users. Be sure to highligh your app’s advantages and features.

Start a blog
As we know, the characters of app keywords and description are limit in app store. Starting a blog can help you introduce your app conprehensively.And it’s not difficult to start a blog, you can create one easily with WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger.

Cross promotion
You can find some developers on Cross-promotion networks (CPN), Facebook group or exchange forums to exchange downloads, reviews and ratings.

Press Release
The most direct way to make your app famous in public and reach out to all media is Press Release! The more details should be related to “What” your app does, instead of “What” is your app about. The main goal is to lead users to know how your app can solve a problem and how it’s going to stand out in the App Store.

You can put ads on app store, websites, forums and even other apps. Or you can advertise your app by inviting some celebrities to promote your app, for users prefer to believe what famous people say.

App store opimization
App store opimization is the process of optimizing your app so that your app ranks higher than before and becomes more visible to users. If you are not a master in this field, you can choose a professional app store optimization company to do the job, like [b]ASOTOP1[/b].

Cooperate with other apps
Cooperate with other existing apps will help you build a large users base and popularize your app.

Social Media
There are many paltforms of social media which you can use to promote your app, such as facebook, google+, linkedin, etc.