5 stars rating exchange

Hello Guys,
My app link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=vn.android.fireworkslwp
Any one interested, just give it 5 stars rating then put the link for your app in a comment and I will do the same :wink:

Hi, I just gave a 5-star review to your app, username Кире Серафимов.
Please do the same for mine: Guess the Word

Hi @vantruongtlhp and @JaegerGames,
I have just give 5-star for both your apps above. My name was Nezneika Hami.
Please help to vote mine: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=hami.nezneika.instavideodownloader

Thank you very much @nezneika, I done for you

Thanks @nezneika, I did the same.

Hi friend,
Done for rate with 5*, G+, comment as name “kim wuchoong”
Please do same with: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sixsensesstudio.dontsteptile
Thank you.

I gave you five stars
My Gmail : Pascal Monnier
Here is my app:


I reviewed 5* and gg+ with name “anvu nguyen”. Please do the same.