5 Star Review Exchange - Cash Ignite APP - Let's help each other!

Please review my APP Cash Ignite and rate it 5 Stars:


Also Google +1 as well.

Try to use keywords: “make money”, “make cash”, “earn points”, “cash”, “money” etc. in your review.

I will do the same for your APP.


I Have Rated , Reviewed and G+1 your app as ITMobix Egypt , Please do the same for my app
Preferred Keywords : Tesco , UK , Deals , Offers , Promotions , Save Money

Thank you mate, I’ve already done it for you :slight_smile:

Done, gave you 5*, g+ and a nice review for your money making app with all they keywords you requested (as Rick E.). Good luck with it!

Will you rate my game? I prefer the keywords “deadly” and “dodo” https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.waterwarp.deadlydodo

(or in case you’ve already rated it once, please rate my secondary game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.waterwarp.dzt )

Have just left you 5 stars rating and G+! I wish you success as well! Eugene Zavarzin

I reviewed your app with 5 stars and google+ .Pls could you do the same with my game https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.MarveMakersTech.HatCatcher

5 star review and G+ done as Eugene Zavarzin

exchange reviews
Please install my app and use “Log4Car - car management” words in your review + type your reviewers name and the link to your app in reply.
I will review back 100%.
I will keep your app on my device for at least 2 weeks and ask you to do the same with my one.

Thank you!

Already reviewed before as Eugene Zavarzin. Please review only if you have not posted a review yet for my app. Let’s avoid double posts.

Hey. Rated, reviewed and G+ your app with the name “Dipesh Ramnani”. Please do the same for my game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.DR.Unsure
Please don’t uninstall the game for at least 48 hours, I’m doing the same for you.

Hey, I’m unable to install your app on my phone.
It says: " This app is incompatible with all of your devices."
Probably you have restricted it to some countries. Please enable Italy.

Rated, reviewed and G+ as Bob Murray

Please do the same:


Done the same as Eugene Zavarzin


I have left you a 5 star rating, and g+ for your app with name Richard K. I would appreciate it if you can head over to our app page and leave us a review too.


Thank you very much for your time!

I wasn’t able to find your comment in the G Developer Console. But I still have left you a review and G+. Hope your comment will come up soon.