[stop working - make cocktail] [rate exchange]

Simple cocktail handook with recipes and directions.

Please, rate this app, and I will rate your app (maybe not immediately).

Don’t forget to write a link to your app.

I’ll be glad to hear your professional comments too.


I have rated, reviewed and G+ your application under name “Shikher pandey”. I have written a detailed review and I will keep your app installed for 1 month.
Please review my app. If you can, use “music player” in review. The link to my application is


Rated and reviewed as Mangirdas Beniusis. Please do the same for my app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.SneakyBox.KidsPoliceCar

I have rated, reviewed and G+ your application under name “Shikher pandey”. I have written a detailed review and I will keep your app installed for 1 month.


Done! Rate, review and G+ from Alexander Pushkarskiy (in сyrillic - Александр Пушкарский).


Done! Rate, review and G+ from Alexander Pushkarskiy (in сyrillic - Александр Пушкарский).

Done as Aykut Uludağ

My app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.uusoftware.thelaunchpadhouse

Done as Aykut Uludağ

My app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...launchpadhouse


Rated, reviewed and G+ed from Alexander Pushkarskiy (in сyrillic - Александр Пушкарский).

Done, rated, reviewed, G+ as alanbush3. Please do the same

Done, rated, reviewed, G+ as alanbush3. Please do the same

I don’t see your rate in developer console, but your app was rated, rewieved and G+ed by Alexander Pushkarskiy (in сyrillic - Александр Пушкарский).

Please check the link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.coolstuff.cocktails

Rate 5 star / G+ / install by name Osama camyou hu hi… pl return me https://goo.gl/hUc4Ud

[QUOTE]Rate 5 star / G+ / install by name Osama camyou hu hi… pl return me https://goo.gl/hUc4Ud[/QUOT]


Reviewed, rated and G+ed by Alexander Pushkarskiy (in сyrillic - Александр Пушкарский).

Done as Nemeean Lion. Please do the same for mine. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gamesmakeyousmart.shufflemymemory

Done as Nemeean Lion. Please do the same for mine. https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...hufflemymemory


Done as Alexander Pushkarskiy (in сyrillic - Александр Пушкарский).


I gave you g+, 5* and a nice review for your cocktail app (as Rick). Great work having gathered all these recipes. The best of luck with it!

Will you do the same for me? It’d be great if you used the keywords “deadly” and “dodo”! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.waterwarp.deadlydodo

(In case you’ve already reviewed it before, here’s my secondary game: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.waterwarp.dzt )

[QUOTE]Will you do the same for me? It’d be great if you used the keywords “deadly” and “dodo”! https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...arp.deadlydodo[/QUOTE


Done as Alexander Pushkarskiy (in сyrillic - Александр Пушкарский).

Come on guys! FRIDAY!!!11;)