[FREE][Wear] N7 Watch Face

Inspired by Mass Effect :slight_smile:


Done under name of ‘‘pollen chakma’’ with 5* and G+ also, pls do mine
here my link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.FotoGridZone.main.gridcollage


Done, AngCorp.

rated 5 star and g+ as Michal V
do the same here

I’ve also done it.

Rated 5 stars and g+ do the same here

My deal, I download it and review it with 5 stars.

You download my game once, review it and play it at least once while logged to get leaderscore populated.


I will download and rate yours 5 and g+

please play it once for leaderboard:

descuderosanchez : Nice words puzzle game 5 stars ! - muffin

Done with name is King, msg is awesome app. Please do the same : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=thorking.studio.wavetounlock

Also done :slight_smile:

Done, I rate 5*, review “Its working for me, Great app”, g, + by Mai Văn Hải

Please do with my app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=duca.mobi.adventureoftomex
