[FREE][APP][Review exchange] Explopics

Hi guys, check our latest App. Check it, download it, rate it 5*, give us +1G and most of all ENJOY it :slight_smile: and please use words like “travel” “share” “explore” in your reviews


I will return the favour as soon as you do it :wink:

and if you really like it, like us on FB: facebook.com/explopics or follow us on twitter: twitter.com/explopics

cheers :wink:

Done as benedetto,
Please do the same for my app :

Done, thanks :slight_smile:

Done, :slight_smile: I gave it a g+, 5* and a nice review for this helpful app (as Rick)!

Would you rate my Deadly Dodo game? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.waterwarp.deadlydodo

Done as Aleksandar Karafilovski.
Here is link of mine plz install and review :

Done :slight_smile: thanks

Done, It’s actualy cool :slight_smile:

anybody else? :slight_smile:

Rated and g+ as Mike Red.
Please do the same for my app:

done, thanks :slight_smile:

I rated your app (G+ too) with nick ,Lukas Halaj"

Rate my app (G+ too)


Done as Tonda Kasik :slight_smile:

I Rated 5 star and did g+1 with my name ‘Jacques Bussière’ . Pls rate and do g+1 for my app.
don’t unstall my app a 7 day :slight_smile:


Plz use kyeword : run ninja run
or : run ninjas

done, hope you won’t uninstall the explopics in 7 days as well :slight_smile:

Done a Nikos Bados,do the same for me please https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.nickba.bouncychick.android&hl=en

Done as “Halim Ozturk”. Please do it same for my game.

EDITED: Our Business Complete Successfully, Thanks! :slight_smile:

Downloaded, 1g+, and 5* review as Tonda Kasik
Thanks guys!

I gave you 5* g+ and comment from Alex Wilhelm. Would you help me review and do the same with my below app, please keep install in your device at least two day for approving the review?

My app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=pomcoong.beautiful.photo.frame.collage

Thank you very much!

Done as Tonda Kasik

Thanks :slight_smile: