[REVIEW EXCHANGE] Live wallpaper

Please Rate, Review and G+ Night sky LWP - will return you same for your app:

Done as Aleksandar Karafilovski.
Install and review mine : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.axar.emergencynumbers

Done as Aleksandar Karafilovski.
Install and review mine : https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...ergencynumbers
Done reviewing and rating under the name MATT
(SORRY for taking so long)

Done everything as “Steve Glosbween”. Please review , give 5 stars also and +1g to my game:

Done as matt! good luck

Rated and g+ as Mike Red.
Please do the same for my app:

Done as matt :slight_smile:

Hey Matt,

I gave it a g+, 5* and a nice review for this pretty app (as Rick). Good luck with it!

Would you rate my Deadly Dodo game? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.waterwarp.deadlydodo

I Rated 5 star and did g+1 with my name ‘Jacque’ . Pls rate and do g+1 for my app.
don’t unstall my app a 7 day :slight_smile:


Plz use kyeword : run ninja run
or : run ninjas

I rated your app (G+ too) with nick ,Lukas Halaj"

Rate my app (G+ too)


i rated 5 star and did g+1 with my name ‘jacque’ . Pls rate and do g+1 for my app.
Don’t unstall my app a 7 day


plz use kyeword : Run ninja run
or : Run ninjas

hey matt,

i gave it a g+, 5* and a nice review for this pretty app (as rick). Good luck with it!

Would you rate my deadly dodo game? https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...arp.deadlydodo

done rating as matt

I rated your app 5 stars and G+ as “amr bat”, please do the same for my app:

done as Michal V
rate this game