[Reviews Exchange] Free Jigsaw slide Puzzle

Hello Guys,

I just published my first game on Play store.

Please review, 5* rating and G+, and I’ll do the same.

Game’s link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.ahmedkhairi.slidepuzzle

Thanks in advance

Reviewed 5* ,G+ under name “Code Goblin”

please do the same to mine



Done for rating, comment, g+ under “tan nguyen” . Please do the same for me

Done !
Thank you

Hello, I rated, G+ and reviewed your game under Mihai Ivancescu.

Please do the same and help me with mine: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.manaya.spots


I rated 5* and reviewed under “K Maciej”
Here is my app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.insbird.insbc

Thank you Manaya
I’ve rated your app with review :-))
Good luck

Thank you Maciej
I made a review to your app
Good luck

Done please return the favor.
Rate, review and G+ My app :slight_smile:
Use the words “Drunk Locker” in your review.

Thanks Joey

Rate,review and g+ done
Good luck

Done as benedetto,
Please do the same for my app :

Done. Thank you

Any other developers looking for reviews exchange?

Done, I gave you 5* g+ and comment from Alex Wilhelm

Please do the same for me:



Thank you Alex
Good luck

I (Literswater Waterwarp) gave you 5* a g+ and wrote a nice review. Well made app. :slight_smile:

Here’s my game! https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.waterwarp.dzt

I review your game 5* and G+1 wiht user “Luan Nguyen”. Pls rate my game and G+1. Thanks you!

5*, review and g+ done
Thank you

Review with 5* and g+ done
Thank you

Thanks for your feedbacks