Reviewsmotion review deleted by Google


I had joined reviewsmotion for exchange of reviews. I got 5 reviews yesterday, which were deleted today by Google from playstore. I have seen the same people’s reviews in other apps previously. So, is it possible that Google has decided to delete the reviews from reviewsmotion ?? Please tell me if anyone has idea. If it is so, there is no point in joining reviewsmotion.

Yes could be. Google sees an incoming traffic from review motion and decides to not honor it

Yes, never try that site. Most of whom you exchange review with are fishy guys who don’t use their real personal Google Play accounts to exchange review with you.

If you got a decent base of real reviews, you may add a few reviews with App2top to increase your rating, the good thing is that you can control what’s written in the reviews. I never got my reviews obtained from App2top deleted.

Usually, what you get from reviewmotion are too obvious to other users that they are fake reviews as well (e.g. the review says “useful App” when you are having a game:mad:, the guy who wrote your review is happy to make you suffer from this too as he treat you as his enemy!) While you can choose the language and content of your review on App2top

Yes, because the all reviews are wrote from same IP address and Google can detect that. Another reason my be you are collecting reviews in short time frame that Google can detect. So, keep your app reviews genuine as to not to be deleted by Google Play.

Ya, I agree wid u…My app had real 47 ratings of 5 stars, I gave the review of 5 stars to other people on reviewmotion but those people gave my app 4 stars…:slight_smile:

Jokes apart, I think Google has best algorithm to detect any suspicious activity and I won’t go for reviewmotion again…Even our own reviews exchange is much better when u know who is rating ur App…:slight_smile:

This is the reply I got from review motion

My 20 reviews are deleted at the same time &%%@@@

Don’t trust on review exchanges. After 7 days, all reviews will be deleted :frowning:

Nop, Google has become faster…It takes only one day to delete the reviews:-)

Our review from a different service provider all gone along with ratings, seems google has successfully designed something to detect fake reviews …


No, all the issues of our forums are intact, no issue wid them…:slight_smile: