Translate App?

Hello there,

my apps are currently available in German and English . Only the app description has been translated into other languages ​​( with Google Translator ) . Is it worth translating the app and screenshots to more languages ​​?

If you have good quality app and want to invest your time and cash for translating screens + app interface, it’s worth to do it. Screenshots have huge impact for download numbers because mostly, your users will not read descriptions but watch screenshot.
It is worth to make also first screenshot “mockup” with your application main features, listed with some nice font in national language. It demands a lot of time and some cash but worth. Do not use google translate on screens, that will be your grave :wink:

I wouldn’t suggest to translate your app description with google translate. Except the fact that in most cases the translation doesn’t make sense you will be missing important keywords.

You should try to use some paid translation services for screens and description it will cost you money but I think it will be worthy.

I don’t suggest you translate to another language. Because when people coming to Play Store, they expect English to be spoken there. Furthermore, Google translate right now is not capable of conveying the message to another language because it is based on word by word translating. Foreign reader may understand what the description say, but they don’t get the the manner, tone of your description, which could result in some messy, awkward (but understandable) description.