Internal promotion admob?


I’m looking at the internal promotion with admob, who after all is a cross promotion between my apps.

Last year I put but I took it because I found it more economical to acquire users with the same advertising admob … but now the cpi in admob is sky high and how low I have eCPM think it’s a good choice

What do you think about this?


Try facebook for app installs its very cheap. However, you can also use your own house ads to cross promote your apps.

We make educational games for kids. Facebook is good place to promotion this games?

Year ago we use house ads, but cross promotion with admob is similar i think.

For several months we have very few impressions because we have been about 6 months without being able to develop anything new.

Even so, we managed some downloads with admob in promoting internal promotion
We average 25% CTR and 1.5% CPI.
I understand that we are attacking our target audience with these ads, but I do not understand is that we have a 25% CTR on internal announcements and 3% with AdMob ads …
they are removing many clicks or I don’ t understand

I think best cross promotion is having some buttons/action bar icons that lead to your app/game.

I think people tend less to download apps after clicking on an ad.