Using Admob after Developer account banned?

On Monday, my Developer account got suspended, but I have another developer account as well that hasn’t been banned.

I am using the same Admob with both developer accounts and my other one has not been banned.

Is this one of the concealed reason why Google are making devs use the Google Play Services now with admob, so they have complete control?

Will it be OK to use Admob still with my other dev account with this new Google Play services integration? using Admob without the new GP integration works but what about with it?


EDIT: Just to test this theory out, on my second developer account I have an app uploaded, on the 29th August 2014 I updated the app that was uploaded with the new GP services with admob, and it has not been suspended yet. I am going to wait a couple of more days to see what happens! I will keep you all updated!

Edit2: I also noticed that the Millennial Media ad network requires the GP services integration as well.

i am also looking forward for an answer to this question

Check out my updated post!

GPS is required for users tracking purposes. Currently you would have seen that if a user has been using music related apps, admob will show music related ads. With GPS, that can be disabled by user.
I recommend not to use ad unit id’s from one google play account into other because admob and play store teams collaborate in google on many terms and play store tram prohibits multiple play accounts for one person. So admob can be a tracking method for them. They may not take action in such cases for years and may do it today. Better be careful.

Above is my opinion and not tested by me.

so if an app has not been banned, but the entire dev account was closed due to other apps.

how should i advertise the app that has not been banned if i plan to upload it with a different dev account?

should i make a new app in admob and link it to the new app in google play? in admob this will show 2 apps, but 2 very similar apps which might be suspicious.

but using the old app in admob will show some kind of connection between admob and the banned google play app.

There is no problem with that. Because you are puplisher so you can use your id with many play accounts. I use my admob for 4 different play acc for months until now there is no problem. So dont wory about that.