My Test Ad Campaigns #Admob

I run a small test campaign last day to get in Top New Free List in “Turkey”. I paid 200 TL (93$) and here is some results:

Game : Truck Simulation game.
Impression :657.901
Click Rate : %0.85
I paid 0.018 dollar for each click, a few cent. (This is very cheap because my country is 3rd world country.(I guess 4))

Install Stats:
1 - First day : app installed 10. - 0 Review
2 - Second day :I got 111 install. (Ad published) - 10 Review
3 - Third day : 323 Install (Ad published) - 15 Review
4 - Fourth day : – (no ad) - 0 Review

Revenue Stats:

I didn’t expect any revenue , I just want to prepare a base to get in list.
I’m showing HeyZap interstitial in every 2-3 crash.
Here is some numbers:

Heyzap :
Total Impression : 3,431
Total Ad click : 1,699
Total Install : 12
Revenue : 6,66$ (4 day)

Actually I don’t want to even mention. I was showing Admob banner in crash.
Total Impression : 6,038
Revenue : 0.02$

I’m selling “Remove Ads” for 2$, 0 sells.

I’ll create two campaign with Appbrain(120$) And Heyzap.(100$) to get in list in Italy or France. Will publish here.
Any suggestions would be great.

Nice sharing. your first campaign of $93 was with appbrain?

Did you get in top new free?

He ran Admob campaigns paying for clicks.

Looks like the average price for install was above $0.22. Did admob track your installs or do you have a better approximate of CPI?

I ran it with Admob and the game is in now Simulation Top New Free (165->65>45>40). Installs are so low, anyway I’ll test Appbrain if they fix my account.