Google Play Developer Console - Is this normal?

Hello everyone,

I was not really sure where to paste this. I released my game, Crazy Creeps, yesterday. It is my first app on GP.

Since then, I have been unable to see stats of it in Google Play developer console. Ratings are displayed, but I can’t see download stats. The game has definitely been downloaded. It has been rated and reviewed. I also got a few hundred interstitial impressions yesterday. Everything on the statistics page just says “Sorry, no data for this metric.”


Help appreciated!

Stats about installations on Google Play Consolde update once per day, but not at 24 hours interval. Sometimes I see my stats updated at 9PM, sometimes they get updated at 4PM, sometimes at different hours. Wait another 24 hours, I am pretty sure you’ll get your first update.

For me it took 3 days before Google had proper downloads but the ratings where fine. It also took same 3 days before I got a proper ranking on my app. When I had 500 downloads it showed 10-50 in my game on googleplay store. But keep doing the marketing and Google will catch up.

All my app stats once went three days without an update.

I’m since december '13 on Google Play. The lagging has increased. Then it was plm 1 day, but now it seems 2 days more often then 1 day.

With 2 different games I had it took 3 days before ranking and downloads were in sync.

Thanks guys. Got my first update this morning. I do see that it is lagging though, but at least it’s something…