Do IAP for removing adds actually work?

I’ve been contemplating adding IAP to remove adds on my apps. I’ve heard conversion rates of 1-2% which would not really be worth if but if some one else has heard other wise, I’d like to hear what you have seen.

I’d also want to know it:)

I can tell you that a subscription model for removing ads does NOT work… even for users who have played your game for more than 400 hours !!!

Of course, in that time, they have seen about 50k adverts (30 second rotation) …

Now ask yourself: would you rather a user pays you $0.99 once off… or sees 50k banner adverts ?

I’m not sure about the conversion rates but i’d say using In App Purchases to remove ads actually work. I’ve had many apps with all kinds of ads and have seen users begging for an option to disable ads using IAP. It might not make you $$$ alot, but its good to have it!

I agree with him,
I don’t have much purchase for IAP (ad removal) but it prevents me from getting some hate reviews stating Need ad free version etc…

I personally prefer to make a premium paid version instead and link to it in the free app. It gets separate ranking, is easier to monetize on new devices (Android TV, Fire TV) and stops most ad-hating reviews. It never earns much, but is a shield against ad haters. IAP removal of ads is risky - and I always have problems with properly removing them and caching the result safely (getting tons of mails “I paid but still see ads”).

Furthermore people might be able to bypass the IAP and get them without actually paying for them. That way you got no money for IAP plus you got no more money for ads. Very bad. Just don’t do it.

I have tried that IAP/link to purchase ad-free app and the results have always been pretty poor/not worth the hassle. Most people who don’t want to put up with ads also don’t want to pay money for that privilege.