poor income results - suggestions?

Hi all,

I currently have around 50 apps on Google Play (not including Apple store releases) and getting:

  1. Around 5000 new downloads a day
  2. Roughly 20000-25000 people playing my games every day in total (new installs plus all existing users).
  3. I’m only making between $40 - $70 per day (i only have chartboost interstitials and admob banners)

At the moment they’re all free unity3d game apps (quite a few are reskins) but the $$$ I’m making seem pretty poor to me. That means each user is only worth $0.0026!

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I could improve revenue? In-App purchases and chartboost “more apps” buttons are definitely on the list but I’m not sure what my next move should be. Release to Amazon maybe?

Any ideas would be much appreciated.


Make better games, make them more popular. Avoid reskins - you will never earn much with that since people will quickly bore since they’ve probably played something like that already.
Amazon gives me almost zero downloads right now for some reason (for games that get thousands on Google Play) so I can’t really recommend it.

With startapp you could make 2x or 3x more income with your games. This is my referral link, if you register from here you will also get a bonus StartApp - Developer Register

You have 50 apps with low downloads each it seems. That makes is difficult to optimize your ads in Chartboost. I probably wouldn’t use it then, because it’s almost impossible to optimize your ads for all of them.
There is also absolutely no guarantee that you are going to earn more with startapp. Blindly updating 50 apps now with such a risk would be too much effort for me.
Another good income source though are rewarded video ads. The only issue is that your games need to be designed to serve them. Users need a reason to really WANT to watch them to get a good amount of videos completed.

I’d say, let those ads be and concentrate on a bit bigger games with more engagement, longer session times, more retention and monetize this well. $40-70 a day is an amount you should aim for a single app. That’s especially less stress for you when it comes to updates and network changes.

@StevePof is right.

I would concentrate on making 1 solid game and then using the 50 others to cross-promote it. You have a solid cross-promo network going for you, you can drive a lot of downloads to a new release on the cheap, rather than giving downloads away (in form of ads right now)

Please, provide eCPM and CTR for interstitials and banners. And could you tell me how do your best 2 - 3 games perform? How much impressions and downloads / day? CTR, eCPM, Session length for these games?
With such a limited data you provided, we can’t help you too much. Developing big game and cross promotion is a good option, although updating 50 apps to do it takes a lot of time.