ECPM for December low?

Anyone else have a drop in ECPM after the first week of December? My download and impression have stayed the same but my ECPM and revenue have dropped by about 35% since December 7th. Maybe it’s just me but I figured I would ask.

What network you talking about? Or do you mean overall?

For me, Admob has increased substantially since October, but other networks not so much. MobileCore has actually gotten worse for me, but that seems to be due to their new SDK having issues.

Admob. I had a good October and November but December has been down so far.

Agree. Same here

Same as you. My Clicks increase twice but CPC decrease.

Everything is down. It’s completely ridiculous. Our install rates from CPI networks are lower than ever. We only get one install every 1200 impressions. It has never been this bad before.

Usually AdMob revenue increases in November and December with factor 2x, 3x. Not this year. My November income from AdMob hardly outperforms October with 15-20%. December doesn’t show any better trend so far. I don’t believe anything will change until the end of the year.
Enjoy the game!
By the way, analysts predict a very bad next year for Google for various reasons - EU issues, Brazil issues, Facebook and Amazon competition, etc.

Absolutely. November was my best month ever and then December just tanked.

Not much different for me.

How would that affect advertiser spend on ads?

Its going all the wrong direction. My AdMob RPM was stable from 1 to 17 and then started going down with yesterday at 60% of December average and today even lower. Clicks and Impressions remain as they were … I was not expecting that … lets see what christmas week (25-31) will bring.

Was it usually normal the years before that ad imcome increases over Christmas? The results for December 25 were the worst I’ve ever seen on Android over the whole year. The worst results in any ad network ever.
$0.52ECPM in Chartboost
$0.22ECPM in Admob
$3.2ECPM for rewarded videos in Unity Ads

We earned $30 today from 5000 daily downloads. In November we usually earned 4-5 times more than this. What the hell is going on?

Not sure what is going on. My income decrease also since last month. This week normal back but could be due to Christmas and new year season. Still low compare to September and October. The decrease of income maybe cause by the following reasons:

  1. Competition. More supply (developer) than demand. Advertisers (demand) choose high quality apps to advertise.
  2. Users are more aware now compare to years ago. Less clicks.
  3. Users want more content now compare to last time.
  4. More unique games/apps in the market now. Many choices.
  5. Big developer revenue down. Angry Birds company lay off employees when they saw decrease in revenue. Thus they want to spend lesser.
  6. Google ranking algorithm changed. Developer who has many similar apps seems to rank higher and appear more in result. Other exceptions including app optimisation and luck.
  7. Users seldom download new apps now.

I think the reason is Admob trying to optimize advertiser spend due to competition from Facebook.

Well, since last update, I got the bump in impressions I was looking forward to, but my ECPM stayed low and my income stayed the same. Looks like i’ll be 15%-20% below November income and not get the December bump I was looking for. Least hope the beginning of next year is a good one :slight_smile:

Hi StevePof,

I’m Clara from AdBuddiz, I wanted to let you know that our developers eCPMs have increased over the Christmas period and the trend is set to continue for New Year :slight_smile:
We are focused on premium full screen ads and our SDK is really easy to integrate.

If you would like more information, please contact me on [email protected] or Skype: adbuddiz

All the best for 2015!


You should try ad networks in my signature.

Finished off the month with a big spike in impression leading up to new years day and the same thing with ECPM being lower, so in the end I made the same revenue, no spike. Ended the month ~10% lower then November, so not as bad as I thought, but not the big surge I was hoping for.

I think January is going to be a Disaster … I have few clicks already - Interstitials and the price from 0.01 per Click - UK, US … is killing me :smiley:

Yup, looks like that the January will be pretty bad (worse than usually) considering that December also was pretty bad comparing to other years.