GP Rejection for removing a world from store listing

Hi, I just updated my app store listing just removing a word (“leechers”) from the “what’s new” section in APK section in Google Play Developer Console. And then… my app update is rejected!

How can I violate Content Policy just removing a word from a list of sort features??

REASON FOR REJECTION:Violation of the intellectual property and impersonation or deceptive behavior provisions of the Content Policy. Please refer to the IP infringement and impersonation policy help article for more information.

Your app and/or elements of its listing on Google Play, including title, description, logo(s), or promotional screenshots must not include unauthorized usage of protected works belonging to a third party.
Your app icon and promotional screenshots must not contain images that appear confusingly similar to existing products.
Protected work could typically include product names, brands, images, logos, music, and similar works.

What is your app about?

Actually, the rejection doesn’t have anything to do with the exact update. That just bumped your app into Google Bot which led to inspection and subsequent suspension.