Google Play store url hijack

I usually have the “more games” links in my apps sent to my developer account’s Google Play app store. In the past few days, I noticed that the traffic has been hijacked and redirected to a Google Play top list page. Did anyone notice the same?

Mine are working fine :s

Anybody else?

I’m seeing same thing with my more games link! I use a link like this:

It says: “Apps by XdebugX” on the page, but is showing lots of apps from other developers! It even doesn’t show all of my apps anymore!

I saw the same bug… even on official pages it says that it should works fine… but it does not

Yep something is broken there, ugg

Have the same things. All my games contain a link like this:
and few days ago it starts show wrong apps.
Yesterday I tried the link like this
market://search?q=pub:“Warlock Studio”
and it worked fine. I update the game. But now I see it doesn’t work again and don’t show my games, but show alot of not my games.
It’s very bad. :frowning:

In my case it shows my games and other games below mine. At least mine are on top.

Well, yes I think a little changes are talking place ! Confirmed it mine has also been changed … :slight_smile:

Confirm. It show other app not mine. Ugly bug

If use search request without “pub” it works.
i.e. like this:
market://search?q=“Warlock Studio”

Well, so it means that this thing is a bug nothing else than that… ! :slight_smile:

Better yet, use market://search?q=“warlockstudio” without the space. This will prevent Google from listing the other games that are not yours.

Yes, what I wrote above is not working now. But it worked at the time I post it here.
Your method is works fine… works right now, (as worked my few days ago), but I don’t know will it work tomorrow.
So, the best way as I see - is open my web site with only my games and don’t use Google Market search query anymore.

That links works fine for me , shows 12 of your apps…

Seems like Google fixed it!
Now all requests works fine

market://search?q=“Warlock Studio”
market://search?q=pub:“Warlock Studio”