Googleplay don't support virtual card anymore?

I Try to register account by virtual credit card, but it failed. Then I got a new rule about

Common reasons for declined payments

Using a virtual credit card (not accepted on Google Play at this time)
Outdated card information (especially expiration dates)
Incorrect card information (especially mistyped numbers)
Incorrect security code (or CVC)
Billing information that doesn’t match the billing information on file with your bank

How I can register it?

ups… I also can’t create an account… :open_mouth: Where did you find info about virtual credit card? I hope that is not the truth… :frowning:

which vcc did you use entropay or your bank?.

I find it on google support guy.

I use virtual from my bank service, but I don’t know about another one. I think it can’t also.

This subject should not be spoken in public anymore.

Why not?. is this a well kept secret?.

Because possibly google workers are watching this forum?

Come on dude i am a newbie to this forum and app development .If even i know this …

Sorry guy I don’t know but I don’t know the method to delete this post.