Missing App in the store

There is a weird issue with one of my games, I published it 15 days ago and it was in the first month promotion getting decent downloads, suddenly it disappeared from the store without any notification from G**gle. Furthermore I can see the game flagged as published in the Console…
why they’re doing this shitty things? I only have problems with them…

Any of you had this issue before? some ideas?


It might be cause by Google Play store ranking issue or Google is testing their new ranking algorithm system on new app/game by putting your app into testing mode. It will be normal and appear again after a few days.

Well, I would say it would to drop an email to the Google seeking the question that why without any noticed the application disappeared over the store what would be the reason behind it ? I am sure they will respond back with something and it will help you in knowing what is going on !

I contacted the support team and I got it fixed, with 3 days less of first month promotion though