admob alert message

Hi everyone !

I reached the 50 limit messages from admob saying : " This email is to alert you that one of your applications is not currently in compliance with our AdMob program policies and as a result, ad serving has been disabled to your application. " .

for example i have a developer account with 20 apps , if i get 3 suspends the whole account (20 apps) gets suspended , and i end up with 20 messages from admob .

Then yesterday Admob send me an alert saying : " This is a formal warning that your AdMob account (XXXXXXXX) is at risk of being temporarily suspended and/or permanently disabled if you continue to accrue policy violations. This is not a notification of a new policy violation. You are receiving this warning because your account has a history of repeated or severe violations of our programme policies. "

What to do now ? And how to avoid the first message ? Do i have to delete admob ads of the suspended app or suspended developer account as soon as they are deleted to not get the first message ?

Thanks again

The only way to remove the violations, is to fix the reason the violation occurred and appeal and get the appeal approved.
Otherwise the mark will remain.
Interesting that you say there’s a 50 message limit, I haven’t heard that before.

you didn’t understand the question .

the apps are suspended (copyright violation) , and the developer accounts are gone , there is nothing to fix .

what i’m asking is : " if i remove or archive the ad units , can i not receive those messages about admob violation ? "

archiving does not stop g from sending you notifications

I have received the email too. Is Your admob account alive? How many suspend email you receive from admob after you receive the last warning Email? I am worrying about my admob account. Hope you will answer soon. Thanks!

did your account still active please replay

" This is a formal warning that your AdMob account (XXXXXXXX) is at risk of being temporarily suspended and/or permanently disabled if you continue to accrue policy violations. This is not a notification of a new policy violation. You are receiving this warning because your account has a history of repeated or severe violations of our programme policies. "

What to do now ? And how to avoid the first message ? Do i have to delete admob ads of the suspended app or suspended developer account as soon as they are deleted to not get the first message ?

Hello i have same issue can you tell me what was the next after got this email??

what about your account??