My applovin and chartboost datas

Hello, here are my datas. What do you think about that. ıs it good or bad?

that is absolutly normal - you have an average ecpm of 1 dollar - these days this is pretty good - especially for those networks like applovin and chartboost

here is a video and he had very good ecpm

73 dollar ecpm ??? that can not be right … normally these days ecpm is about 1 dollar (over all countries) - maybe when the most users are from US or Europe then you can get higher ecpm like 2 or 3 dollar .

ecpm below $1 for video? It is extreamly low as reward videos is about USD 5 per 1000 views

it isn’t rewarded video. Only video ad.

Are those Video ads Skip or Non Skip? Also, what are your main geos? It would be good to test your app as well, Placement can have a huge impact on revenue (given clicks and or installs are often required). Mind sending me a link?

it is Skip Video Ad.

Hmmm, even at a global average across all apps in my system I think you should be doing a bit better, at least around $1.85 on Skip Vids and $1.50 on Static