Will i be banned from Admob?

Hi guys, i’m a new developer of android games…for earn some money from my app i made an acc on Admob. The problem its that my brother for “help” me has clicked a lot of time some ads and now i’m afraid cause autoclick it’s forbitten and we have same ip. I have the account since 5 days and they still not have banned me… will they ban me at the end of the month?

Hi @Clynter - If this was for testing purposes, Admob and most partners usually won’t ban you. However, if this is consistent behavior then you will be warned and then banned.

I’d be happy to chat about other insights of the market if you’re interested. Add me on Skype: garethleeatwork

@Clynter - you have 2 issues, one is you are new and you click fraud , so most like in a 30 days time you might be banned … With google being super strict these days, its hard to expect any thing else …


Thanks guys, they suspended my account for 30 days tonight, and take from my card the amount of fraudolent click(not much for lucky) and will take all money of admob for the next 30 days after suspension…I hope they will not ban me atfer this.

Consider yourself ultra-lucky - maybe go play some lotto or something.

It’s ok for now but don’t click anymore…promote your app in social networks and improve your app downloads instead of worrying about it…