Suggest an advertising network

Can you please suggest which advertising network will suit best for the advertisement of the service
MyDigiTrade | Copy Trading Platform | Copy trader

Hi Mark

There are a lot and good Ad Networks to work with. Finding the right one for your project is not an easy task as every ad network has their strengths and weaknesses, so it is almost impossible to find one that checks all the points you need. An easy example: May some Ad Network could have good eCPM but low geographic coverage in your area so your Fillrate will be low and you will loose money. The result is switching form one Ad Network to another or sign up in many of them at the same time until you get satisfied

I would recommend to search for Programmatic Mediation. Type it on Google and you will find many good solutions such as Fyber, Appodeal, Supersonic, etc… When you work with mediation solutions you avoid the kind of headaches said above because your work at the same time (RTB) with lots of demand sources in order to provide the higher price for your impression, wherever your audience it’s located. So you never miss a buck on the table.

The best part IMO is that your have everything in one solution (sign up, payments, data, etc…) which saves you an important amount of time you can invest programming

Hoping this helps


Like mentioned above, there are many networks out there.
Why not try them out to see which ones work best for you?
What works well for one does not always work well for others.