Google suspend my second account

Google suspend my account any i’m try to create new account , create new account , i create new account after that with the following steps

  1. New IP and clear browser cookies and cache

  2. Gmail account with a new, random recovery e-mail that was never used before along with a phone number that really exists.

  3. Credit/debit card that is Never used with Google before

after all this information my account suspend , not because i have app violate police .
i ant to create new account please help me what i want to do ??

did u buy a virtual credit card ?
were u using google chrome ?
did u post same apps as on your banned accounts ?
were the account holder name same ?

new Credit/debit card is registered for your full name?

  1. New card, with name never used in google

  2. New IP isn’t important, new browser is important

  3. New gmail

  4. NEVER USE APP USED BEFORE ON BANNED ACCOUNTS. Even fragments of code, you need to make application from 0, never use similar screens. Google algorithm recognises your code style…

  5. Never log in on new account using old browser, clearing history is not helping

  6. Safe is also buying accounts from some supplier but you have to have 100% trustfully guy to deliver accounts.

Please recommend to me some one you trust , i want to buy new account .

Hello thiss is edited

How about using Online App Generator Service such as Andromo which uses the same styles of codes to generate hundreds of apps? How about buying source code? I think the same code style does not matter! How do you think about this?

using same code is not big issue. I have seen apps being reported on reddit bad apps because of duplicacy but still I know of many developers here on forum which have duplicate apps across many accounts. Even Dan’s book recommended to publish the same again and market from different perspective. Services like chupamobile will be ruined if duplicate code was not allowed

I think so too, same code is not big issue, no problem with same code

You are right! If Google ban the same style of source code, services like chupamobile, codecanyon, and other related services will be out of biz

  1. NEVER USE APP USED BEFORE ON BANNED ACCOUNTS. Even fragments of code, you need to make application from 0, never use similar screens. Google algorithm recognises your code style…
  2. Never log in on new account using old browser, clearing history is not helping

Its bullshit ! checked many time !

  1. Use firefox + BetterPrivacy addon for delete flash coockie.
  2. Never use your home IP . Better buy 3g or Lte sim card and use only this mobile ip for login( to any google service) and uploading apk.
  3. If you use this account in smartphone off all sync and location service. Better not use in smartphone this google account. Because you can accidentally open wi-fi connection at home ( your home ip and locality already banned in google sandbox).