Per Pay Download Ad Network


I’m interesting in ad network which is 100% Google Compliant - only inapp ads - which pays for downloads.
Right now I’m using Minimob - but they rates 0.02$/install is quite low + they counts 20% of my overall daily downloads reported in Google Play. Shame.

Any suggestions?

You can try AppFlood.
Here is my referral if you need Mobile Ad Network with Direct Deal Transparency | AppFlood.

AppFlood is not a PPD network. Don’t just spam your referrals on the forum.
Include it in an informative post where it is actually relevant to other developers or clearly mark it in your signature.

PPD and CPI are not the same?

PPD - when user download your app, CPI - cost per install - when user clicks your ad and install app from this ad.

We do PPD, can reach me on Skype to learn more anni-appwiz


When are you going to remove search home page monetization. Its a road blocker for me to try your sdk. Of course it will mean for you to drop PPD tag. startapp has already dropped browser home page ads.

Startapp did not dropped the home page change

How does an ad network support PPD? Is there an associated revenue model or, just to get to as many devices as possible?

All PPD ad networks find some way to get into users devices through your apps and place alternate methods of monetization in it. This could be a search widget on the home screen, the mobario type arrows with multiple widgets, or a variety of others. They are eventually trying to break away from your app and acquire the user for themselves…

  1. All these networks are intrusive and modify your users device in some way or the other. If your primary app store is google, better stay away from those…
  2. If your apps are built for niche audiences and if your user base is more or less same, they offer very little incremental revenue as they pay for user and not impressions.

My 0.02 $… :slight_smile:

I might be wrong but it seems that PPD model changed a lot recently.

First of all, all ad networks offering PPD ad units make sure they are strictly google play compliant. When the policies change, the SDKs are modified accordingly as well (otherwise what would be the point of a good PPD SDK if it’s users had issues with an app store?). Secondly, at least on AppFlood, granted that you display 1 splash screen interstitial at launch, you will get paid for your app installs + for the impressions of the ads displayed on it. You can learn more: here.